Programming Language PG0.5
Library Reference
# Introduction
PG0.5 is a programming language designed for learning programming.
PG0.5 is extends the PG0 programming language.

This is a reference for the following libraries. 
* Screen API (screen.pg0)
* Mathematical API (math.pg0)
* String API (string.pg0)
* Input/Output API (io.pg0)

# Restrictions
This library has the following restrictions. 
* The operating environment is PG0 (web version) only. 
* Operating speed and drawing speed may vary depending on the device and web browser. 
* Sound playback may not function on iOS due to security restrictions. 
* The specifications of each API may change in the future. 

# Screen API (screen.pg0)
Can be used with the following import statement. 

startScreen(width, height, option)
	* Description
		Starts the screen.
		Displays a screen of the specified size on the web browser.
	* Parameters
		width - Screen width (number)
		height - Screen height (number)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"color": Hexadecimal color code (string), "fit": Flag whether to adapt to screen size(number)}
	* Return Value

	* Description
		Performs processing for a certain period of time Stop.
	* Parameters
		time - Specify the stopping time in milliseconds as a numerical value.
	* Return Value

	* Description
		Gets the current time (UTC).
	* Parameters
	* Return Value
		Returns the number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.

	* Description
		Format a time into a date/time string.
	* Parameters
		time - Number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00
		format - date and time format. If omitted, the string will be formatted according to the locale.
					YYYY - year
					MM or M - month
					DD or D - day
					hh or h - hour
					mm or m - minutes
					ss or s - seconds
	* Return Value
		date and time string

	* Description
		Start off-screen and draw the screen display off-screen.
	* Parameters
	* Return Value

	* Description
		Exit off-screen and draw the contents of the off-screen to the screen.
	* Parameters
	* Return Value

clearRect(x, y, width, height)
	* Description
		Makes the area transparent.
	* Parameters
		x - upper left horizontal coordinate (number)
		y - vertical coordinate of top left (number)
		width - width (number)
		height - height (number)
	* Return Value

drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, option)
	* Description
		Draw a line.
	* Parameters
		x1 - starting horizontal coordinate (number)
		y1 - starting vertical coordinate (number)
		x2 - horizontal coordinate of end (number)
		x2 - Vertical coordinate of end (number)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"width": line width (number), "color": hexadecimal color code (string)}
	* Return Value

drawRect(x, y, width, height, option)
	* Description
		Draw a square.
	* Parameters
		x - upper left horizontal coordinate (number)
		y - vertical coordinate of top left (number)
		width - width (number)
		height - height (number)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"width": line width (number), "color": hexadecimal color code (string), "fill": fill (number)}
					Setting the fill to 1 will fill the square with the specified color.
	* Return Value

drawCircle(x, y, radiusX, option)
	* Description
		Draw a circle.
	* Parameters
		x - horizontal coordinate of the center of the circle (number)
		y - vertical coordinate of the center of the circle (number)
		radiusX - radius of long side (number)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"width": line width (number), "color": hexadecimal color code (string), "fill": fill (number), "radius_y": short side radius (number), "rotation": Tilt of the circle (number), "start": Angle clockwise from the X-axis where the circle starts (number), "end": Angle clockwise from the X-axis where the circle ends (number)}
					Setting fill to 1 will fill the circle with the specified color.
	* Return Value

drawPolyline(coordinates, option)
	* Description
		Draw a series of straight lines connected by several coordinates.
	* Parameters
		coordinates - Array of coordinates
						Ex) drawPolyline({{100, 100}, {200, 100}, {150, 50}}, {"close": 1}) // Triangle
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"width": line width (number), "color": hexadecimal color code (string), "fill": fill (number), "close": connect the last line with the first line (number)}
	* Return Value

drawFill(x, y, color)
	* Description
		Fills the specified coordinates with the specified color.
		Traces adjacent pixels and fills them with specified color.
	* Parameters
		x - horizontal coordinate (number) to start filling
		y - vertical coordinate to start filling (number)
		color - hexadecimal color code (string)
	* Return Value

drawScroll(x, y)
	* Description
		Scroll the screen.
		Areas that extend beyond the screen will be displayed on the opposite side.
	* Parameters
		x - horizontal scroll amount (number)
		y - vertical scroll amount (number)
	* Return Value

createImage(x, y, width, height, option)
	* Description
		Creates an image of the specified area.
		The returned Image ID can be drawn with drawImage().
	* Parameters
		x - upper left horizontal coordinate (number)
		y - vertical coordinate of top left (number)
		width - width (number)
		height - height (number)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"id": Image ID (number)}
					If an id is specified, it replaces the existing image.
	* Return Value
		Image ID

drawImage(url, x, y, option)
	* Description
		Draws an image of the specified Image ID.
	* Parameters
		id - Image ID
		x - upper left horizontal coordinate (number)
		y - vertical coordinate of top left (number)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"width": width (number), "height": height(number), "angle": drawing angle(number), "alpha": transparency(number)}
					Width and height cannot be specified for one side only.
					alpha is specified between 0.0 and 1.0.
	* Return Value

drawText(text, x, y, option)
	* Description
		Draw text.
	* Parameters
		text - the text to draw (string)
		x - starting horizontal coordinate (number)
		y - starting vertical coordinate (number)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"width": line width (number), "color": hexadecimal color code (string), "fill": fill (number), "fontstyle": font style (string), "fontsize": font size (number), "fontface": font (string)}
					The default for fill is 1, and if you specify 0, hollow characters will be drawn.
					Specify the font style as normal, bold, italic, or oblique.
	* Return Value

measureText(text, option)
	* Description
		Gets the text drawing size.
	* Parameters
		text - text (string)
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"fontstyle": font style (string), "fontsize": font size (number), "fontface": font (string)}
					Specify the font style as normal, bold, italic, or oblique.
	* Return Value
		drawing size
		{"width": width, "height": height}

rgbToPoint(x, y)
	* Description
		Gets the color at the specified coordinates.
	* Parameters
		x - horizontal coordinate (number)
		y - vertical coordinate (number)
	* Return Value
		RGB array
		{"R": numbers up to 255 to indicate red, "G": numbers up to 255 to indicate green, "B": numbers up to 255 to indicate blue}

	* Description
		Converts an RGB array to hexadecimal color code.
	* Parameters
		rgb - RGB array
				{"R": numbers up to 255 to indicate red, "G": numbers up to 255 to indicate green, "B": numbers up to 255 to indicate blue}
	* Return Value
		Hexadecimal color code (string)

	* Description
		Converts a hexadecimal color code to an RGB array.
	* Parameters
		hex - Hexadecimal color code (string)
	* Return Value
		RGB array
		{"R": numbers up to 255 to indicate red, "G": numbers up to 255 to indicate green, "B": numbers up to 255 to indicate blue}

	* Description
		Returns the touch position.
	* Parameters
	* Return Value
		touch state
		{"x": horizontal coordinate, "y": vertical coordinate, "touch": touch state, "button": button, "pos": {{horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate}, ...}}
		If the touch status is 0, it is not currently touched and will be the last touched coordinate.
		For button, 0 is left click, 1 is middle (wheel) click, and 2 is right click.
		pos contains multi-touch coordinates.

	* Description
		Returns keyboard input.
	* Parameters
		key - Specifies the key string to check if pressed.
				If specified as an array, check that all key strings in the array are pressed.
				The key string will be equivalent to JavaScript'sKeyboardEvent.key.
	* Return Value
		If no argument is specified, an array of pressed key strings is returned.
		If the argument is specified as a string, it returns 1 if the key is pressed and 0 if not.
		If the argument is specified as an array, it returns 1 if all keys are pressed and 0 if any keys are not pressed.

playSound(note, start, end)
	* Description
		Plays the specified frequency for the specified time.
	* Parameters
		note - frequency (number)
				If a string is specified, it will be converted to the corresponding frequency. If you put a number after it, it will be converted to an octave.
				'C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'
					Ex) playSound("C4", 0, 500)
		start - milliseconds of start time (number)
		end - milliseconds of end time (number)
		volume - volume, default is 1 (number)
	* Return Value

playMusic(notes, option)
	* Description
		Play multiple frequencies in sequence.
	* Parameters
		notes - Array of notes
				{note, length, volume}
				If a string is specified, it will be converted to the corresponding frequency. If you put a number after it, it will be converted to an octave.
				'C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'
					Ex) playMusic({{"C4", 500}, {"D4", 500}, {"E4", 500}})

				The following keys and values in the array have a special meaning.
				start: start position, if several sounds are played at the same time, set the start position to 0 and another sound.
					δΎ‹) playMusic({{"C4", 800}, {"start": 0}, {"E4", 800}, {"start": 0}, {"G4", 800}})
				volume: Volumes after this.
		option - Specify options as an associative array.
					{"repeat": repetition flag(number)}
	* Return Value

	* Description
		Stop any sound that is playing.
	* Parameters
	* Return Value

# Mathematical API (math.pg0)
Can be used with the following import statement. 

	* Description
		Returns the absolute value.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		Absolute value

	* Description
		Returns the arctangent in radians.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		arctangent of argument

	* Description
		Returns the cosine.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		cosine of argument

	* Description
		Returns the base of logarithm.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		base of logarithm

	* Description
		Returns the logarithm.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value

	* Description
		Returns a random number.
	* Parameters
	* Return Value
		Random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1

	* Description
		Returns a flag indicating whether the sign of a number is positive or negative.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		1 - correct
		-1 - negative
		0 - zero

	* Description
		Returns the sin.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		sin of argument

	* Description
		eturns the square root.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		square root

	* Description
		Returns the tangent.
	* Parameters
		num - number
	* Return Value
		tangent of argument

pow(base, exponent)
	* Description
		Returns a value that is a power.
	* Parameters
		base - Base number
		exponent - exponentiated index
	* Return Value
		Value of a number multiplied by a power

# String API (string.pg0)
Can be used with the following import statement. 

	* Description
		Trims the front and back of a string.
		The characters to be trimmed are spaces (" ") and tabs ("\t").
	* Parameters
		str - String to be trimmed
	* Return Value
		Trimmed string

	* Description
		Converts English strings to lowercase.
	* Parameters
		str - String to be converted to lowercase.
	* Return Value
		String converted to lowercase

	* Description
		Converts English strings to uppercase.
	* Parameters
		str - String to be converted to uppercase.
	* Return Value
		String converted to uppercase

str_match(ptn, str)
	* Description
		Use wildcards to compare strings.
		Match any multi-character string with "*", match any single character with "?" to match any single character.
	* Parameters
		ptn - Pattern from which to compare (specify wildcard here)
		str - String to be compared
	* Return Value
		Returns 1 if a match is found, 0 if no match is found.

substring(str, begin, length = -1)
	* Description
		Extract substrings from a string.
	* Parameters
		str - String to be extracted
		begin - Start index
			(Negative numbers are indexed from the end of the string)
		length - Length to be extracted (negative numbers will be the length to the end)
	* Return Value
		Extracted substrings.

in_string(str, search, from = 0)
	* Description
		Searches for the position of a specified string within a string.
	* Parameters
		str - String to be searched for
		search - String to be searched
		from - Index to start the search.
	* Return Value
		Returns the index of the found string. If not found, returns -1.

split(str, separator)
	* Description
		Split a string with a delimiter string.
	* Parameters
		str - String to be split
		search - delimiter string
	* Return Value
		Array containing the divided strings.

# Input/Output API (io.pg0)
Can be used with the following import statement. 

	* Description
		One line output to standard output.
	* Parameters
		line - The string to be output.
	* Return Value

saveValue(key, value)
	* Description
		Saves values.
		The value to be saved can be a number, a string or an array.
		The value is saved in the web browser.
		The values are initialised if the script save location is changed.
			New file - Common area.
			Local file - Saves the local filename as a key.
			Online file - Saved with the online cid as key.
	* Parameters
		key - Key
		value - Value to be saved.
	* Return Value

	* Description
		Loads the saved value.
	* Parameters
		key - Key
	* Return Value
		Saved values.

	* Description
		Remove saved values.
	* Parameters
		key - Key
	* Return Value

	* Description
		Get text from the clipboard.
	* Parameters
	* Return Value
		Clipboard text

	* Description
		Set text on the clipboard.
	* Parameters
		text - Text to be set on the clipboard.
	* Return Value
		Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.

Copyright (C) 1996-2024 by Ohno Tomoaki. All rights reserved.